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Hello 2021

Hello everyone! For the first time, I'm writing a blog post on my website. My name is Karla Martínez, CEO & Founder of Elite Music Group. In 2019, I decided to take a leap of faith and start my own business after many years of working for different artists in the music industry, as well as a creative for advertising agencies in Puerto Rico. I was unsure of where this would lead to, and 2020 came along.

Despite the setbacks caused by covid-19 and other situations, we were able to produce some kickass content for clients in the music, tourism and trade industry. I will be updating the website as fast as I can, to present the work we have done so far. On a personal level, I feel like I was quiet for too long, and we all deserve the chance to have our voice heard. Consider this blog section as a place where you'll learn more from my thought process, moral values, works in progress and just what's on my mind.

I would like to end this post by thanking God, my family and my awesome team who has pulled through on these tough times. I'm positive that 2021 will be much much better!

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San Juan, Puerto Rico

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